
Current & Past Clinic Updates

Our Bags are Packed

Our Bags are Packed

From Bill Aplington, I Care International Board Secretary  The last I Care clinic at which I had the pleasure to work alongside Dr. Phil Ortiz was, surprisingly, way back in late February and early March of 2017, when our team set up shop in Agua Escondido Guatemala...

Spring Clinic to Guatemala

I Care has begun to organize a vision and eyeglasses clinic in San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala in late February and early March of 2023.  The dates for the clinic itself are February 25th through March 2nd.  At present, we are waiting for the official letter of...

Clinic Announcement

From Bill Aplington, I Care International Board Secretary  I Care International has reached an agreement with the Gregorio Schaffer Hospital in San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala to collaborate on a vision clinic there. The 6 day clinic, serving perhaps no more than 1500...

2018 I CARE International Clinic

2018 I CARE International Clinic

Real Mexico (Compostela Clinic February 3—February 11, 2018) The plane landed in Puerto Vallaita Mexico in the early afternoon and by evening we, 20 some volunteers , arrived in a town of 16,000 towards the middle of the Mexican state of Nayarit. Compostela up in the...

2017 I CARE International Clinic

2017 I CARE International Clinic

Mission 2017 Agua Escondidas, Guatemala Feb 24—March 4, 2017 I started as the secretary for I Care International, Inc. in the summer of 2010. Since that time, I've participated in sortings, fundraisers, the Annual Dinner and the day to day operations of I Care. I send...