A 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization
I Care International, Inc.
It is through membership and donations that we are able to fulfill our mission of helping others improve their quality of life with the gift of better vision and health. Please consider becoming a member or renewing your existing membership.
Becoming a member for $I0 per student, $30 per person, or $60 for a family membership per year gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to change the lives of the people we serve. There are many ways to help in addition to becoming a member. I Care needs volunteers to collect and donate used eyeglasses, as well as to clean and sort glasses for our trips. You may also volunteer to take part in one of our clinics. If interested in volunteering for one of our upcoming clinics, membership is required, and volunteers pay their own travel and lodging expenses. If you would like to donate used prescription glasses, readers, or sunglasses, please mail or drop off at: I Care International, Inc., 880 Bedford Road, Morris, IL 60450.
I Care typically brings ~7,000 pairs of eyeglasses to a clinic and roundtrip airline baggage fees have become a major clinic expense. To sponsor a bag, simply click on the donate button and be sure to fill out the message area so that we know what your donation is for.
Your tax-deductible contribution will help us continue our mission of helping the underserved people of the world. Please consider a membership with I Care International today!
The following is a form for an I Care International membership. Please print, fill out, and send the form to the provided address.
I Care International
880 Bedford Road
Morris, Illinois 60450
Our Co-founder
4/15/1936 – 2/15/2022
Philip A. Ortiz, O.D. journeyed into the spiritual realm on February 15, 2022, after a vibrant life. Born April 15, 1936, he was one of nine children born to Benito and Juana Ortiz, undocumented immigrants who as teens fled the violence and poverty of post-revolutionary Mexico. They met in Depue, Illinois at a railroad camp. The family was provided a rail car for housing in exchange for Benito’s labor. Those humble beginnings fostered many happy memories and desires. Phil understood one thing – the only way to get out of poverty was hard work and education, and he applied himself in every way possible.
I Care News
Thank You to Jesse Gutierrez
I Care International began as an organization on July 12, 1989. When you look back at the history of I Care, Jesse Gutierrez was a vital part of the organization and worked hand in hand with Phil Ortiz. They shared the same dream and worked hard to obtain it. Jesse...
Remembering Charlie Gibbs
I Care International - Board Treasurer It is with a heavy heart that we notify you of the passing of Board Treasurer, Charlie Gibbs. Charlie served on the board from 2006 to 2008 and then again from 2019 to the present. He went on multiple I Care clinics, always...
Happy Holidays to our I Care Family
May your days be filled with joy this holiday season. Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. We couldn't do it without you! I Care International Board of Directors - 2024
Thank You
Read Full Newsletter Here! Hello friends! November is here and the busy holidays are on their way!! We have been working hard preparing the eyeglass inventories for our trip to Guatemala in March of 2025, and are happy to report that California and Illinois have...